To Jinji and the Ghosts, Halloween is the most important holiday of the year! After all, it’s the day that the veil between the Spirit and the Mortal realms is at its thinnest, and Ghosts can freely travel between the two (wait, so how do the Ghosts haunt humans the rest of the year…?). It’s also a day of celebration, where the Ghosts will often throw a massive party to celebrate the year; and where they revel in the respect and decoration they receive from other beings too!
As part of this fun, Jinji and the Ghosts regularly dress up in kooky costumes, paint jobs, or otherwise alter their appearances to cause either a scare or a laugh. This special page collects together the artwork of every costume Jinji et al. have worn for Halloween into one distinct gallery.
ℹ Click a picture to enlarge it, or to go to an article about the image, if one exists.
In 2024, Ghost and Ectoplasma — the two Gengar characters of Jinji’s close artist friend, Kumada Panda — hosted the Halloween celebrations, with the theme being, “let’s paint ourselves in Neopets Paintbrush colours”. Each member of the Jinji family, along with Kitty, Ghost, Plasma, and a few other guests all chose a colour from Neopets’ Rainbow Pool, then Panda drew a costume for each of them inspired by that colour:

“Kekekeh! Were you expecting a different colour for me? You don’t know me very well 😉
Slipping into the shadows, ready to strike and steal away your life force… and your candy! Ninjas have been a source of inspiration for me for years, even forming part of my very name — so what more appropriate colour for me than Stealthy! Gehehe… I think I might just keep this costume in the closet even long after the Spooky Month ends…!”

“We couldn’t allow Jinji to have all the fun, so we joined in too!”
Ghost: “As the youngest of the Ghosts in Jinji’s mansion, I’m still not fully used to my new form. So Jinji thought, if I painted myself ‘Ghost’, I could learn to embrace it more.”
Phantisserie: “Jinji dared me to go for a food-themed paintbrush to go with being the mansion’s baker. I eventually settled on Candy as my colour, since I always make everyone sweet treats.”
Alessandro: “I chose Electric because I’m always a bundle of energy!”

An unexpected guest! This Eventide-painted cat is actually meant to represent Jinji’s real-life mother. The choice to make her a cat represents her own love of cats; while Eventide was a colour of her own choosing. Her grumpy expression was a deliberate joke by Panda to contrast against the happy expressions of the Disco-painted Ghost and all the other guests 😛

In 2023, Jinji had the funny idea to dress up as Digimon instead of Pokémon, and quickly decided on a Phantomon costume for himself. Kitty also joined in, dressing as Bakemon; while Panda herself decided to dress as Pandamon, hilariously using her Sad Panda persona, who is already a Panda and thus needed very little effort for their costume:

Kitty later admitted she was unfamiliar with Digimon, and had selected Bakemon as she had learned about that character in the intervening weeks, and thought they were cute. Panda would later draw her an additional costume, this time of a character she was more familiar with from a different franchise: