Category: Main Canon

The “Main Canon” is the working title for what is intended to become the major plotline in Jinji’s fictional universe. Unlike most other works, this storyline has a more serious undertone, involving the entire cast of Jinji’s universe in a number of potentially hairy situations where wisdom, guile and possibly even battle skills will be necessary. As this canon is very much a work-in-progress, some of the materials shown below may be more expository in nature or be more outline plans than actual stories – expect content in this section to change as the canon becomes more solidified.

The Unexpected Enigma

The odd keystone lands with a thud on the floor of Jinji's room. Suddenly, a Spiritomb pops out. "What is this place? There's so much ghostly energy! I feel so energised!" "That naive little ghost, throwing me aside in pursuit of fun! Well, I think it's time I had some fun as well!" (Title logo)

Roughly 2.5 years since the first entry in Jinji’s official storyline, A Concise Overview of Jinji’s Mansion, comes the next entry (and the first comic strip!) of Jinji’s as-yet-untitled Main Canon. While out in Eterna Forest for another night of hauntings and fun, Jinji discovers an odd stone radiating a strange power. Little does he know, he’s about to find himself challenged by one very tricky spirit…

Jinji’s Fossilween Tale

In 2016, the fan-made MMO Pokémon World Online hosted its most famous Halloween event, Fossilween, where players were taken through time in a Pokémon-themed take of the history of Earth, solving problems along the way in a bid to stop a mysterious Pokémon destabilising the passage of time itself. Interestingly, Jinji the Gengar made a […]

Ghostly Grudges: An Explanation of the Relationship between Psychic and Ghost types

The Gengar put down the large tome he had been reading, and picked up the photograph wedged between the two open faces. As he bought it to his eyes, the image of a young Espurr smiled back at him, its expression one of joy. For a moment, he also smiles; but his expression soon turns […]

The Storm From Nowhere

The sky is a deepest, darkest black, lit only by the light of the far away moon. All around, as far as the eye can see, dense forest surrounds, through which no person could see anything but the leaves behind. A cold chill permeates the air, and for some unknown reason, the whole location gives […]