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Doppelganger | page 1
“Jinji is taking a break from his mansion and hauntings, and enjoying a journey through nature instead. Wandering into a dark, dense forest, who knows what he'll find?”

“Potentially a friend…”
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Comic Description & Plot Outline

A collaboration between myself and the Deviant Artist, Cat (, based on a role-play we performed with one another. It serves mainly as an introduction and character building for Cat’s new Gengar OC, Aadvay, but is also a reflection of our newfound friendship with each other, as told through our characters. This comic is still being worked on, so come back soon for further pages!

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The title of this comic is a dual pun — referring to the main characters being two Gengar (“double Ganger”), and referencing a common theory as to how the Gengar species became so named. Gengar are well-known for their ability to slip into people’s shadows and imitate them, essentially becoming the “double” of their shadow; just as in German folklore, doppelganger are people or beings who are perceived to be the double of another.

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