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Doppelganger | page 3
“Too deep in thort to speak huh?” Says Aadvay as he chuckles nervously.

Aadvay is too over dramatic, he always takes everything one step further. Why must you be this way. Your embarrassing yourself!

Aadvay speaks in an Australian accent, and his dialogue was written to reflect his pronunciation. If you find anything hard to understand, blame SilverbettaCCT 😛 Also the word highlights represent who is saying what and the thoughts are the slightly lighter version of that characters color along with a faint white cloud. The accent also gives it away. Aadvay also has a really faint high pitched voice like a little boy, so that’s why his dialogue is so small, and sometimes hard to read, because he’s talking softly.
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Comic Description & Plot Outline

A collaboration between myself and the Deviant Artist, Cat (, based on a role-play we performed with one another. It serves mainly as an introduction and character building for Cat’s new Gengar OC, Aadvay, but is also a reflection of our newfound friendship with each other, as told through our characters. This comic is still being worked on, so come back soon for further pages!

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The title of this comic is a dual pun — referring to the main characters being two Gengar (“double Ganger”), and referencing a common theory as to how the Gengar species became so named. Gengar are well-known for their ability to slip into people’s shadows and imitate them, essentially becoming the “double” of their shadow; just as in German folklore, doppelganger are people or beings who are perceived to be the double of another.

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