Responding to a call for help in the middle of a dense forest, Jinji discovers a poor Espurr tied up and surrounded by explosives! The Espurr tells Jinji she had been kidnapped as he examines the scene… but all is not as it seems!
Responding to a call for help in the middle of a dense forest, Jinji discovers a poor Espurr tied up and surrounded by explosives! The Espurr tells Jinji she had been kidnapped as he examines the scene… but all is not as it seems!
It all started so innocently… One day, a Ghost Hunter was investigating a haunted mansion. After a series of paranormal activities, starting with disembodied voices and mists and ending with an actual sighting, the Hunter decides the location is worthy of further investigation; and decides to go get his partner, a young woman called Charlotte. […]
The Gengar put down the large tome he had been reading, and picked up the photograph wedged between the two open faces. As he bought it to his eyes, the image of a young Espurr smiled back at him, its expression one of joy. For a moment, he also smiles; but his expression soon turns […]