The Revenge of Witch Espurr

Part 1: Jinji’s Scare Tactic

While the Ghost Hunter was away, unbeknownst to them, another Ghost had entered the scene. Jinji the Gengar was out and about that night, looking to do some haunting of his own, when he happened to notice the haunted mansion and its resident Ghost. Realising the Ghost’s attempt to scare off the Hunter had been lacklustre and the Hunter was likely to return, Jinji confronts the spirit and tells him his scare tactics were lame. The Ghost, offended by Jinji’s remarks, challenges Jinji to do better.

Jinji laughs evilly. “Watch this…”

Page TitleView as…
Part 1: Jinji’s Scare Tactic
Page 1 – The Haunted Mansion
Page 2 – Jinji Sets Up for a Fright
Page 3 – The Ghost Hunters Have a Nightmare!
Epilogue to Part 1


Part 2: Espurr’s Deceptive Gift
Single Page
Part 3: An Explosive Revenge!
Chapter 1 – Espurr Visits the Ghostly Realm and Prepares a Surprise
Chapter 2 – The Activation and The First Stage Defusal


