The Revenge of Witch Espurr

Part 3: Espurr’s explosive revenge

Espurr continues to harness her magical, bewitching powers and psychic abilities for many more months, waiting for the day where she can finally enact revenge on Jinji for what happened to her Trainer. Realising Jinji does not reside in the mortal realm constantly, Espurr realises she has only one choice. She has to find a way to get to the Ghost Realm and enact her plan in the very space where Jinji calls home. She begins to delve into the realms of witchcraft and sorcery, seeking a new type of magic to enable her to go where no mortal dare tread.

Finally, the newly-crowned Witch Espurr reaches the level where she is now able to create her own portals and summon objects at will. “Now, it’s time…”

Espurr creates a portal to the Spirit Realm, and soon finds herself somewhere few have seen – Jinji’s mansion, the spooky building that he and his friends call home in their own corner of the Spirit Realm. Ordinarily, a living creature would be ravaged by the many spirits and strong dark energies that reside in this realm; and their soul would soon be separated from their mortal body as they become a Ghost themselves. However, Espurr’s powerful Psychic aura keeps her protected; and she is able to roam around Jinji’s room freely, so long as she does not attract unwarranted attention.

Espurr proceeds to seal off Jinji’s room from outside interference; then begins to plot her revenge. For some time, she has been designing an elaborate time-bomb, knowing that Jinji would be unable to resist tinkering with it due to his love of pyrotechnics. The bomb combines mechanical, electronic and magical elements in a complex cocktail of triggers and traps, all designed to cause major confusion and bring the downfall of anyone foolish enough to attempt defusal. Espurr summons each of the various components, then begins to build them together into a large, multi-stage explosive device, ready to give Jinji his biggest challenge yet.

As Espurr starts to finish off the explosive, a sense of giddiness overcomes her. She becomes unable to resist exploring Jinji’s room and playing about with the various books and furnishings found within. However, as she begins to sense the presence nearby of another aura, Espurr’s focus returns. Finishing the final touches, Espurr opens another portal and hides herself, waiting for Jinji’s imminent arrival…

Page TitleView as…
Part 1: Jinji’s Scare Tactic
Page 1 – The Haunted Mansion
Page 2 – Jinji Sets Up for a Fright
Page 3 – The Ghost Hunters Have a Nightmare!
Epilogue to Part 1


Part 2: Espurr’s Deceptive Gift
Single Page
Part 3: An Explosive Revenge!
Chapter 1 – Espurr Visits the Ghostly Realm and Prepares a Surprise
Chapter 2 – The Activation and The First Stage Defusal


