Tag: slime

A Celebration of Conundrums!

Despite the prank he pulled, Jinji’s housemates come to the decision that his idea to lock himself in a coffin for 24 hours prior to the annual Portal Day celebrations, in order to allow them to surprise him without him getting wind of any plans, was ultimately successful and a great idea. Wanting to plan more surprises for Jinji for this year’s Portal Day celebrations, the Ghosts convince him to lock himself away again, and spend the 24 hours each preparing their own presents for him – each with its own puzzling twist!

A Series of Sticky Surprises!

Created for Jinji’s 2024 Birthday, this comic was also a writing experiment between Jinji and Kitty the Gengar Queen, with each writing half of the comic without seeing the other’s half. The resulting comic was then sent to Kumada Panda to be drawn and inked, so neither of us knew the contents of the other’s half until just before publication.

Jinji the Gengar is convinced by Enigma to lock himself away for 24 hours inside a coffin, while the rest of the Ghosts — as well as Kitty and Kumada Panda’s Ghost — prepare a special Birthday surprise for him. Of course, Jinji being Jinji, he has a surprise for them too! Neither party is expecting what happens next!

Simulated Sneezles – Jinji and Meuka’s Fake Cold Experiment

After reading a book on “Diseases of the Human Body” and learning about the common cold, Jinji decides he wants to learn just how easily snot spreads and about its infectious potential. Being a Gengar, however, Jinji has no experience of a cold to draw on to ensure an accurate experiment. Suddenly, he remembers his old idol, and realises that the self-proclaimed Master of Mucus would be the perfect companion to help him ensure an accurate experiment. Thus begins Jinji’s snottiest plot yet…

Jinji’s Goo-lish Trick!

Another collaboration storyboarded by Jinji and drawn by Kumada Panda/xxlPanda. Jinji asks his fellow Ghosts for privacy as he sets about on another study session; but when he doesn’t emerge from his room over 24 hours later, the Ghosts become concerned and decide to check up on him. Little do they know they are about to become key players in Jinji’s slimiest prank yet!

Ghostly Celebration

A collaboration between Jinji and xxlPanda, also starring their newest mutual friend KittyTheGengarQueen, to celebrate Jinji’s real-life Birthday. Jinji has set up his mansion for an epic Birthday Party, and invites his two Gengar friends to take part. Little do they know what he has in store…