Jinji and Meuka in: A Snotty Souvenir!

A crossover spin-off comic created as another collaboration between Jinji and Kumada Panda, which ironically turned into the longest comic strip ever written by the pair – at 15 pages long – despite having originated as one of Jinji’s simplest ideas. Having been a fan of the Neopets villain Meuka for years, Jinji is surprised when he turns up at his mansion one day and is presented with a gift to symbolise their friendship. But is all what it appears?

Jinji and Meuka in: A Snotty Souvenir!
Being a Ghost-type, Jinji has the power to make himself intangible, meaning he takes on a non-solid form and is unable to be touched or held by anything non-magical. Realising this, Jinji used his ability in hopes that the mucus will lose grip and allow him to float free. Thankfully the plan worked - Meuka's mucus is a natural product from his body; and he himself is not so magical as to be any threat to Jinji's ghostly powers. Thus, Jinji successfully manages to pull free from the sticky trap!

Unfortunately for Jinji, he quickly discovers his freedom could be short-lived. The switch in the statue was a ruse - a fake, designed to encourage Jinji to struggle in the snot and get more and more stuck. As Jinji pulls on the switch, it snaps out of its mount, revealing Meuka's deception. Now knowing that the mucus can't simply be switched off, and unaware that it was never actually Meuka's intention to drown him, Jinji starts desperately looking for another way to stop the constantly rising snot...
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The character of Meuka, as well as its basic appearance and name, are property of Neopets, Inc; all rights reserved. Usage of the character is under the legal permissions provided by the Neopets Terms of Service and global fair use doctrines. Neither Jinji nor Kumada Panda claim any ownership of the character and its appearance in this comic is not intended to imply any connection between Jinji and any Neopets media or storyline; or vice versa. This is a fanfiction, “alternate reality” comic not related to the general storyline of Jinji the Gengar or Meuka.

All artwork was drawn by hand by Kumada Panda and any resemblance to official artwork or renderings of this or any other characters or artwork by Neopets is purely coincidental. The dialogue of the comic was adapted from original writing by Jinji the Gengar. All original content is copyright of Kumada Panda and Jinji.