I have rolled out a new change to the Character Profile section of the page, adding a “back” button to each profile to make it easier to return to the original list. In addition, all characters besides Jinji now include a link to their first appearance, so you can quickly find your way to the […]
Author: Jinji
Site Update: A small change to the Privacy Policy
Just a little heads-up (since the law requires me to let you all know): In order to help me get an idea of how popular the Jinji the Gengar website is; and which stories, comics and other content is getting the most attention, in the last few minutes, I installed software on the Jinji the Gengar website that counts how many times each page on the site has been visited. How this works can be read on the Privacy Policy and Legal page, which I have just updated. For legal reasons, I must make clear that by continuing to use this site, you automatically agree to the new Privacy Policy. Don’t worry though, it’s nothing scary – I remain committed to protecting user privacy and have no interest in collecting user data; so the software doesn’t collect any data besides what page you went to, and whether the page was a new visit, or simply you clicking the “refresh” button 🙂
Character Profile Update: A small change to Jinji
I made a small alteration today to my official Character Profile for Jinji, in order to better outline the intended colouration of his unique tongue. The changes have been pushed to both here, my official website; and to DeviantArt, where if you are a watcher, you should have received a notification about the update in the last few minutes. For anyone else, consider this your notice 😉
Please note that while I generally endeavour to keep everything as up-to-date as I can as timely as I can, until such time as there is a cross-posting tool that supports my website alongside DeviantArt and Patreon, generally it will be my website that receives the latest updates first. So if you’re interested in reading the latest Jinji the Gengar news, always make sure to keep this site bookmarked and keep checking this front page for the latest updates!
Hatching Hazards!

A combined April Fools/Easter comic for 2021, conceptualised by Jinji himself, and drawn and edited by xxlPanda⎋. Featuring a guest appearance from Mallow the Garbodor, a friendly but highly-toxic Garbodor character owned by a long-time friend of Jinji. It’s April Fool’s Day, and in a quaint little Pokémon village, rumours begin to spread about a […]
Ghostly Celebration

A collaboration between Jinji and xxlPanda, also starring their newest mutual friend KittyTheGengarQueen, to celebrate Jinji’s real-life Birthday. Jinji has set up his mansion for an epic Birthday Party, and invites his two Gengar friends to take part. Little do they know what he has in store…
A Concise Overview of Jinji’s Mansion
Known as home to Jinji and his many Ghostly companions, but a complete mystery to most mortal beings, there is a sizeable mansion that is the focal point of Jinji’s own corner of the Spirit Realm. From its outward appearance, the mansion is a building from a bygone age, which is a little run down […]
The Afterlife of the Party
The kitchen, old fashioned and abandoned, is now suddenly a hubbub of activity. As the haunted mansion began to have an energetic and excited atmosphere, the various tables and shelves within the kitchen slowly found themselves host to a number of baked delights. The coldness of the room has been replaced by the warm, cosy […]
Baited and Boomed!

Responding to a call for help in the middle of a dense forest, Jinji discovers a poor Espurr tied up and surrounded by explosives! The Espurr tells Jinji she had been kidnapped as he examines the scene… but all is not as it seems!
Prologue: A view from the Other Side
The Realm of Ghosts is a chaotic, unstable place. A rich tapestry of disparate elements created both by the Spirits themselves and various otherworldly magicks, the resulting reality is one devoid of logic, reason or sense; where the laws of physics and nature do not apply. Merely gazing carelessly at the realm is liable to […]
Site Update: New Stories!
Two new works are now live for fans of Jinji the Gengar to enjoy. First, NShims has completed the second chapter of “The Revenge of Witch Espurr Part 3”; and you can now view the completed animation, or read the full written story as typed up by yours truly, at the usual address 🙂 In […]