The Unexpected Enigma

Roughly 2.5 years since the first entry in Jinji’s official storyline, A Concise Overview of Jinji’s Mansion, comes the next entry (and the first comic strip!) of Jinji’s as-yet-untitled Main Canon. While out in Eterna Forest for another night of hauntings and fun, Jinji discovers an odd stone radiating a strange power. Little does he know, he’s about to find himself challenged by one very tricky spirit…

This comic comprises a total of 20 pages, which will appear below three at a time. A text transcription of each page is available in its Alt Text, which can usually be viewed by hovering over the image, and will also appear in the event a page fails to load. Each image is also captioned with a description of the page’s plot, which may also include a transcription.

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The Unexpected Enigma
Page 16 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
A while later, the bright flash fades... and Jinji discovers himself to now be trapped in a triangular box, with purple slime covering his legs. Outside, Enigma is laughing... but his laugh has taken on a much more joyful tone. "I can't believe how easy it was to prank you!", he says. A thoroughly confused Jinji responds simply, "Prank?"
Page 17 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
The Spiritomb explains to Jinji that everything up to this point had been nothing more than a prank he'd set up simply to toy with him. The machine's true intention was not to free him from the stone, but instead to lure Jinji into a trap. After the time expired, the Spiritomb faked an explosion using a bright flash and noise so Jinji wouldn't notice he was being teleported into the box, which is now filled with a sticky purple slime. The Spiritomb then compliments Jinji on his skills, admitting that Jinji would likely have bested him, had he not created so many distractions. Jinji smiles proudly, enjoying the compliment, and replies that he is quite skilled with both puzzles and explosives. A few hours later, a happy Jinji is released from the box. Jinji admits he actually found the whole prank fun, and wonders how the Spiritomb knew he loves slime. They return to the mansion and the Spiritomb dispels his earlier lock spell, causing the chains around the walls to glow and disappear.
Page 18 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
Phantisserie, Alessandro and Gaspar rush through the now opened door with concerned looks on their faces. They gather a short distance away from Jinji, who smiles at their presence. The Spiritomb is beside Jinji.
"You were missing for so long!"
"What's happened? Who's that!?"
Jinji grins as he holds up both hands in a "hold up" pose.
"Calm down everyone. I'm fine. Hear me out..."
"We were pretty busy with some 'things' here. But it's all over now."
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