The Unexpected Enigma

Roughly 2.5 years since the first entry in Jinji’s official storyline, A Concise Overview of Jinji’s Mansion, comes the next entry (and the first comic strip!) of Jinji’s as-yet-untitled Main Canon. While out in Eterna Forest for another night of hauntings and fun, Jinji discovers an odd stone radiating a strange power. Little does he know, he’s about to find himself challenged by one very tricky spirit…

This comic comprises a total of 20 pages, which will appear below three at a time. A text transcription of each page is available in its Alt Text, which can usually be viewed by hovering over the image, and will also appear in the event a page fails to load. Each image is also captioned with a description of the page’s plot, which may also include a transcription.

After reading each set of pages, use the Next arrow () at the bottom of the page to flip to the next set. Alternatively, click on an image to open a filmstrip view, which will allow you to scroll through the entire comic; and also provides the following controls:


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The Unexpected Enigma
Page 13 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
The cube-shaped box opens up... to reveal yet another box, this time pyramid-shaped, with another set of puzzles! Then, as he holds the box, Jinji notices the timer rapidly lose a full quarter of his time! Jinji suddenly realizes this box is motion-sensitive, which the Spiritomb confirms, warning Jinji that each time he sets off a sensor, the timer will speed up. With less than a quarter now remaining, Jinji will need to take care with this new box...
Page 14 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
Opening a panel on the new box, Jinji finds a mass of cogs and gears, some surrounded by wires. The wires connect to the box's motion sensors; and Jinji quickly realizes he cannot disconnect them without triggering them at the same time. Jinji then notices the cogs are placed in such a way that they can only be removed in a set order. He carefully works out the order before placing his hands inside, being careful to remove each cog accurately but quickly.

With the cogs removed, the box opens up, revealing the keystone. Jinji celebrates, thinking he has finally beaten the machine... but as he attempts to pull out the stone, he finds it to be stuck! Before Jinji can work out what is keeping the stone in place, the clock strikes 12 and Jinji's time is up!
Page 15 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
With Jinji having failed to remove the keystone in time, he recoils in horror as the machine emits a bright flash, blinding him. A beat panel follows, with the text "Many minutes later..."
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