The Unexpected Enigma

Roughly 2.5 years since the first entry in Jinji’s official storyline, A Concise Overview of Jinji’s Mansion, comes the next entry (and the first comic strip!) of Jinji’s as-yet-untitled Main Canon. While out in Eterna Forest for another night of hauntings and fun, Jinji discovers an odd stone radiating a strange power. Little does he know, he’s about to find himself challenged by one very tricky spirit…

This comic comprises a total of 20 pages, which will appear below three at a time. A text transcription of each page is available in its Alt Text, which can usually be viewed by hovering over the image, and will also appear in the event a page fails to load. Each image is also captioned with a description of the page’s plot, which may also include a transcription.

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The Unexpected Enigma
Page 10 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
(Jinji stands in front of the new machine, and is looking over one side. Above the machine, the Spiritomb-style clock points to 3 o'clock.)
"Hmmm, these buttons seem to be on some sort of timer..."
(A close-up of the machine. A row of coloured buttons lie below a large metal panel. Most of the buttons are red, but one is yellow. A random button in the row then blinks green. Jinji points to the green button.)
"They keep flashing, but there doesn't seem to be a pattern... I guess I need to press the buttons at precisely the right times..."
(Suddenly, the Spiritomb pops out in front of Jinji once again)
"You're being far too slow, puny Gengar!"
(Jinji recoils backwards)
"Gah! You again!"

Many minutes later...

"I missed so many button presses because of him! Let's see what's next..."
(The metal panel from earlier has opened up, revealing a row of dynamite sticks; above which, various exposed wires are criss-crossed randomly. The wires are hot from the electricity passing through them, causing them to glow brightly.)
"Sticks of dynamite? Surrounded by hot wires?!?"
(Nervous lines appear on Jinji's face as he reaches forward)
"Gah! He's determined to get this thing to explode by any means necessary! Gotta be careful now!"
Page 11 of "The Unexpected Enigma".
As Jinji removes the third of the five dynamite sticks from the machine, he accidentally hits the wick against a hot wire, causing it to light. He prises it from the machine just in time to avoid setting off a chain reaction, and it explodes on his face, covering him with soot as the Spiritomb taunts him for his clumsiness. After cleaning himself off, Jinji completes the task and moves onto another side of the machine, where there is another combination lock. Jinji is relieved, and giggles to himself, thinking this will be an easy puzzle after the last few tricks.
Page 12 of "The Unexpected Enigma".

Jinji discovers that this new keypad is faulty, with buttons that either don't respond, or respond too sensitively. The Spiritomb has fitted faulty electronics! Entering the code isn't going to be so easy after all...

Later, Jinji inserts a key into a newly-revealed keyhole... only to get sprayed with a foul sludge, as he inadvertently triggers a booby-trap! Jinji cleans himself off, then tries a different keyhole, and the machine finally opens...
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