Author: Jinji

Springing A Birthday Surprise!

The first page of xxlPanda's Birthday Comic

A combination idea by Jinji and the Deviant and Pixiv Artist, xxlPanda, inspired by their previous work. Master Ghost invites Jinji to an all-night party celebrating the birthday of Jinji’s keeper. Upon seeing the huge Birthday cake waiting for him down the road, Jinji floats ahead, eager to get the first taste. Little does he […]

Content Updates and Reorganisation

I’ve given the Miscellaneous Art section a small update to add credits for each work listed on the page; and to add another new drawing to the index, following a recent gift from xxlPanda on DeviantArt. In addition, the page is now divided into two sections: “Canon”, for works that form part of Jinji’s official story or depictions; and “non-canon”, for non-storyline randomness 😉

New characters, new content and site layout revamps!

Introducing two new characters! With the recent publication of a work-in-progress preview of my next side-story, I feel it’s time to finally introduce two new characters to the Jinji universe – Phantisserie the Haunter, and Alessandro the Rotom. Both now have profiles on my (newly revamped) “Character Profiles” page, bringing the total number of named […]

Character Profile: Alessandro

A young Rotom with an energetic, carefree attitude and endless natural curiosity. Alessandro provides the mansion with a source of electricity for the precious few electronics that exist through the mansion. He tries to be a good soul and help out the other Ghosts as much as he can. However, his excitability frequently gets the […]

Jinji’s Fossilween Tale

In 2016, the fan-made MMO Pokémon World Online hosted its most famous Halloween event, Fossilween, where players were taken through time in a Pokémon-themed take of the history of Earth, solving problems along the way in a bid to stop a mysterious Pokémon destabilising the passage of time itself. Interestingly, Jinji the Gengar made a […]

The Revenge of Witch Espurr

It all started so innocently… One day, a Ghost Hunter was investigating a haunted mansion. After a series of paranormal activities, starting with disembodied voices and mists and ending with an actual sighting, the Hunter decides the location is worthy of further investigation; and decides to go get his partner, a young woman called Charlotte. […]

Character Profile: Gaspar

The soul of a middle-aged human originally named Jasper, who once explored mountains before being killed in an avalanche. Now resurrected as a Gastly, Gaspar is one of the youngest Ghosts currently in the care of Jinji; and is still getting to grips with his new form. As a result, he is full of curiosity […]

Character Profile: Jinji

Basic Details Many people assume that Ghosts are spirits of the deceased; that there is not a Ghost without there first being a living being. Some extend this belief to Pokémon, believing that Ghost Pokémon are born when living Pokémon die. While this is sometimes true, it is not always the case – some Ghost […]

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